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First off, great job on getting something finished despite the lack of time! I know Godot can be a tricky engine to work on sometimes since everything is done from complete scratch. Now, onto feedback.

1. I think the jump could have been fine-tuned a bit. Like, instead of having to press and hold the 'S' or 'Down' keys, you just release the Jump key and you drop.

2. For the boss I would have appreciated some kind of hit feedback even though there was no AI. I didn't even realise I was dealing damage to it until like 5 kicks in I noticed a red tinge to the character.

3. Something you know already but try dedicating a bit more time to the code instead of the art next time. I have issues with overscoping as well (I didn't even finish my submission...) but I usually try to dedicate more time to the core mechanics of my game first before the art. It doesn't matter how good your game looks if it can't deliver the full experience.

Good job overall, though! Incomplete or not, you still have something in here and experience gained.

1. You do not have to hold the down/s keys to fall down. The quick fall was optional. Maybe that's my bad for not making that clear?

2. I did incorporate a cam shake for hit feedback, but it seems it wasn't enough to convey that the robots were getting hit.  When vim played he didn't know if he was doing damage at first either.

3. Ye

Thanks for the feedback!

got stuck at first wasnt sure where i was supposed to go also the players jittering alot

Ty for the feedback :>

I like the art, even if you clearly overscoped your art style. But I have two questions.

1. Is it possible for the robots to damage you in any way?

2. Are you willing to give a hint for memo 2?


1. No, I ran out of time for any enemy AI. I wasn't able to work on this every day of the jam, and I'm still pretty new to game dev in general.

2. Do you mean how to get memo 2 is or about what's in it? 

1. Ah, the wonder of game jams.

2. About what's in it. (I'd ask more directly, but I don't want to spoil it for people who haven't found memo 2.)


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